Monday, December 19, 2016

Ace of Spades HQ This is why we have Trump

Ace of Spades HQ

Detroit's election woes: 782 more votes than voters

Detroit's election woes: 782 more votes than voters

Dems are sore losers - block anyone who disagrees

Finally, a good reminder that feelings are still raw for many: A poll released this morning by the nonpartisan PRRI finds that beleaguered Democrats are significantly more likely than Republicans to report that they unfriended someone on social media or planned to avoid certain relatives during the holidays because of politics. From the press release with the results: “Democrats are more than twice as likely as Republicans to report unfriending someone over politics (24 percent vs. 9 percent), and that number rises even more among women. Three in ten (30 percent) Democratic women say they removed someone from a social network because of a political view. … And while only five percent of Americans say they are planning on spending less time with certain family members because of their political views, Democrats (10 percent) are more likely than Republicans (2 percent) to say they are avoiding certain family members this holiday season because of their political views.”
WaPo Daily 202 19 Dec2016

NYT says no voter fraud in 2016 elections